I Have Faith

I have faith.

Faith that one day I will be great,

I want to be the best I can be.

To reach my goals

and to be who no one thought I could be.

I have faith.

Faith that I will help others

I wish to help those who can’t help themselves

I have faith.

Faith that my friends and loved ones will stand by me,

through the thick and thin.

With every bone in my body,

I will use my strength to get where I wish to be.


How To Relax

If you are ever feeling any type of stress or just need to have some calm time to yourself, these steps are perfect for a relaxing time. These steps truly apply to me, but some may also be good and apply to you.

  1. I don’t know about anyone else, but the one thing that truly relaxes me is a soothing bath. Prepare your water to a warm(burning) temp or until just to your liking. If you have long hair just throw that thing up in a messy bun and slowly but surely ease into the bath. Maybe put in a bath salt or bath bomb to produce a nice scent, or a candle.
  2. Play your favorite music that you prefer to calm you. Something that you can close your eyes to in the bath and forget about all your worries and think of nothing else but the bath and the music. I personally listen to songs that are more slow tempo and not as fast also known as a “head banger”.
  3. After you have stayed in the bath for as long as you please, dry off and maybe put on a soft and sensible lotion slowly until it fully dissolves into your skin. If you do not own a lotion try a body spray or temporary perfume.
  4. Head into your closet or drawers and find the comfiest outfit ever! Just put on maybe a t-shirt and some sweatpants or sports shorts (depends on room temp).
  5. Lastly. My favorite step is more calm music and just laying in bed. Maybe try some relaxing activity like yoga or if you are a reader try reading a nice book. You could write something whether it be a song, story, poem, or even a BLOG post.


I’ve learned that friends really come and go. I had a serious conversation with a very trusting adult of mine about some conflict and issues me and my friends were having. I asked explained to him how some of my closest friends abandoned me and wanted space from me. I obviously was confused and feeling hurt that my friends felt this way, but he gave me some very wise information. He said, “Friends come and go and some friendships don’t last forever. Till this day I only talk to about 3 friends from when I was in High School. The ones that truly care about you and love you will stick around the longest.” I thought to myself about the people in my life or in my friend group that I know would never switch up on me and would always love me.

We don’t plan for these things to happen like get into fights with our best friends, or get caught up in the wrong drama. We don’t plan to break any friendships we have, but it happens all the time. Every single friend you have is not perfect some far from it, but we don’t point out their flaws or make them feel bad about themselves ever. We lift them up, be a shoulder for them to cry on, be someone they can tell jokes to and spend majority of their time with. I finally realized that sometimes what you see as your not as close friends, will be the closest friends you will ever receive. You don’t need to be exactly the same, you don’t need to go to the same school, or even live in the same state or country. A best,close, friend is someone who you will always be there for and never drift apart from them no matter what happens. If they make a bad decision in their life, don’t bash on them for it just be there to help them pick their life back up when it falls.

Sometimes friend groups can be challenging when you don’t get along with other distant people in your group. Some conflicts can change the way your friends think of you or the way you think of your friends. It can alternate how you all hang out together. For example, after me and one of my friends got into a heated argument our whole friend group changed. We no longer sat with each other in the mornings or at lunch, we didn’t say hello in the halls, didn’t text anymore. I was fine with the way things were playing out, but then the more time went by it ended up hurting me. I hate having conflict so when there is conflict I do my best to fix it, and that’s what I did. Basically the moral of this post is to share a few things about high school friendships.

I’m A Treasure

No matter what you say or how you treat me, I will always be a TREASURE. I am worth every second of every day. I am not just a medal you magically win and wear around your neck for a little while then just take it off and place it some place where you will never touch it again. I am a diamond ring that you should wear on your finger and never take it off. I am not a new activity that you just really wanted to try, but then it just gets to challenging so you give up. That just isn’t who I am. I don’t give up when things get hard and when you see me put in my absolute all, even rip my heart out of my chest just for you, then you should automatically know that I am in it till the end of time. I can not just be a new pair of shoes you buy, but never ever wear them. Maybe if I put the label on my face that read, “Don’t Play With My Heart…. I’m Fragile.” you would have gotten the idea that iv’e been broken before and all I truly want is to be treated like a TREASURE.

I am like a flower or a pet that needs tender love and care, to be taken care of carefully and wisely. I want to be able to be the exact same for you and be by your side through the thick and thin, but you can’t leave me being the only one putting in the effort. I want to be able to be the one to pick you up when you fall and be the one to keep you in line with the good. To be truly a part of you and be your life line… I thought I was. I want to just be something that you just simply can’t live without. Not a piece of trash you just throw away or something you just put on a fake smile for… I want to be your TREASURE.

Current Disney Events

My childhood has been officially reborn with Disney’s live remakes of the best Disney movies of all time. While sitting on the couch the TV catches my attention when my eyes widen as I watched that little star travel across the screen above the magical and iconic castle filled with my hopes and dreams. These remakes can either go incredibly wrong or they can be the best remakes ever created. The classic movies they are choosing to remake are Dumbo, The Lion King, Aladdin, Little Mermaid, and they are choosing to come out with another addition to the Toy Stories series named making it the 4th making. I enjoy the remakes I have had the pleasure to watch so far.

The reason these remakes and movies hit me so hard is because it was one of the only fun and bright aspects of my childhood. Me and my mom recently played a game in which we would take turns playing songs from different Disney movies and the others part was to name the title of the movie in which the song was from. I could name every single one my mom thought would be a “challenge” for me. I was not challenged, not even slightly. My by far favorite Disney movie ever created is The Lion King, which happens to be one of the chosen few that Disney has decided to recreate. I promise you one thing, that the second the movie theater tickets go on sale for The Lion King… I will be the first one in line to buy them. If no one wants to go with me, I will gladly go by myself. I would never miss it for the world. Lion cubs, Ruaha National Park, Tanzania Gregoire Dubois via Compfight