See Ya Later Creative Writing

It is finally time for the end of the school year and the ending to my creative writing class.

This classroom has definitely changed a whole lot since the beginning of the year. I remember walking into this fun classroom everyday with my regular writing journal where I stuffed all of my thoughts and writing topics. I wrote what was going on in my life or how I was feeling that certain day. Some days they were super happy and filled with jokes from class periods before, then other days would just be straight venting in my journal. I enjoyed the days where we just watch movies and  sometimes not even review them, but just watch them for fun. When I walked into this class I had no clue that one person in this class would eventually become my best friend and never knew how funny and creative other people in this class could be. Some people unfortunately left this class since the beginning of the year, but they missed out. I was super stoked when we got the Blog assignments and started working with computers because I enjoy typing and sharing my experiences and thoughts with others. I also have this bright orange laptop with some of my favorite stickers on, that I am currently making this post with right now, and I hardly had a purpose for it until this class gave it a purpose… so thanks.

This class and the assignments that went with it, taught me how to open up my horizons and use deeper and more meaningful language when I write. I learned more sense words and how to describe set pieces with more proper vocabulary, like I’m trying to sound smart right now. Just wanted to share a last thank you to this class for being super fun and chill, but also teaching me some meaningful and useful things.

My Retrospect

This post is inspired by the 2018-2019 Blackman High School yearbook and is dedicated to my first year and experience at Blackman High.

First Day

I remember the day I walked into the front of the school on my first day. I was filled with joy to see the welcoming signs, cheerleaders and kind new faces to guide me in. At the same time, I was terrified. Terrified I would be to scared to meet new people and make new friends. Luckily, being in soccer got me to know some people walking in. I knew the first day would be a breeze and would just be the introducing of teachers and supplies we needed, that sort of stuff. The day went by fast and I couldn’t believe I was officially starting the next most important years of my life.

First Pep- Rally

When it comes to pep rally’s I differed from other students who had gone to Blackman or Rockvale Middle…. I had never been to a pep rally before. In Arizona we didn’t get the opportunity to go to pep rally’s or have certain events in a large gym. So, walking into my first pep rally was a whole new world. I didn’t know a single chant, even though I wanted to, and I had never seen so many students in one space. I misjudged the size of the gym for sure. It no longer had its wide or narrow space, it was covered with cheerleaders, dancers, football players, drum lines, staff, and students from every grade. I felt small.

First Home Football Game

Same as pep rally’s, we didn’t have football games or even a football team at my Middle school in Arizona. All we had was some sports and lots of music. Being a Freshman and my first pep rally, I wanted to do everything and be as basic as possible. Me and my friend Megan walked into the parking lot by the football field and saw some students with bright orange paint, I was immediately interested. We walked up and asked what was going on and they said, “We are painting for school spirit. Want some dots on your face?” I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. We got the dots and walked up to the stand to purchase our tickets. I’m a fan of football but I knew that my friends would keep me distracted, and they did. We had the best time laughing and eating food we shouldn’t be.

I hate to say goodbye to Blackman High School next year, but I just wanna say thank you for treating my first year right and giving me the best memories. I’ll never forget the first of anything. I’ll also enjoy playing against Blackman next year and hopefully dominate in soccer.

Let’s Quote The School Year

I believe there are many intense and descriptive words you could use to describe the school year this year in wonderful 2019. With days you jump with joy or times you just want to curl up into a ball of stress and cry. To the dumb things my friends say that makes me laugh and some of the unexplainable drama that comes with it.

  1. “Life is full of disappointments, get used to it.”
  2. “There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.”
  3. S.C.H.O.O.L~ Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Lives
  4. “High School is like a spork: it’s a crappy spoon and a crappy fork, so in the end it’s just plain useless.”
  5. “If you don’t like where you are, then change it. You are not a tree.”
  6. “Be strong now, because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can’t rain forever.”
  7. “Only real friends tell you when your face is dirty.”
  8. “A good day is a good day. A bad day is a good story. At the end of the day, it’s all good.”
  9. “As long as there is Algebra there will be prayer in school.”
  10. “Dear Math, go buy a calculator and solve your own problems. I’m a teenager, not a therapist.”