
Moments. What are moments exactly? Moments aren’t just places you go or just regular days. Whether the moment be bad or good, moments are times that have a significant meaning. Something truly unforgettable. My favorite moments are with the people I love or doing the things I love. Moments also tie in with the word memory’s. They are similar in many ways, but also different. Moments and memory’s both share a very important spot in our brains, something we choose to remember. Like when mom tells you to take out the garbage or clean your room, you sometimes forget and it doesn’t become a marked memory in your brain because it isn’t something you want or wish to remember. That is also what moments and memory’s differ from each other. Memory’s can be useless knowledge or just random things you happen to remember. I want you to share with me some of your most memorable moments whether it be good or bad.

This Post Is Dedicated To: Soccer Players Around The World

My fellow soccer players, I would like to let you know that you are strong and incredibly talented. We work hard and strive to achieve our goals. When we want something like to score, win a tournament, or travel the world we work ourselves to the fullest to get there. And I’m not talking to the players who just want to go on the field and wear a jersey, I am talking about the ones who want to be the best and who want to improve every single day. Who juggle school and manage to go to practice from day and night. We take a cleat to the thigh or the face. We may slip and slide in the mud and complain about it later, but it’s what we love most. Not saying other athletes don’t do these things, but soccer players are different. We have certain qualities that differ from anyone else.

Some say that soccer is one of the most non-athletic sports out there, I truly disagree and especially from experience. I have been playing soccer since I was 5 years old. Since it was called magnet ball for kids until now, which displays a whole new meaning to me. Soccer pushes me to my limits and exposes my true power as a person and a player. Us soccer players put plenty of commitment into what we do. We travel miles and miles to play new teams, discover new places and sadly new injuries. We are strong, we are a community, or a family. Like soccer does for many, it takes up a huge pat of my life. I am not sure what else I would do. There would be a big empty hole and I have a feeling that I would just be spending my whole life trying to fill it. I want to thank the soccer players everywhere whether you are pro or just starting out, thank you. Thank you for being inspiring to not just me but many others. For the ones who cant quite afford soccer cleats or to be fortunate enough to be on a club team, but still find a way to play bear footed on rocks and gravel with a hand crafted ball. The real ones will find anyway to do what they truly love.

To, The Real Ones                                            This is the football matches I love Rubén Pérez Planillo via Compfight

When The Party’s Over- Review

This song is sung by the artist Billie Eilish. I believe this song could mean many things to different people but to me it has a very powerful meaning of love and commitment. In the line, “Tore my shirt to stop you bleedin’. But nothin’ ever stops you leavin” shows constant heart ache. One is willing to do whatever it takes to make their lover happy, but somehow that just isn’t enough. You will break the rules and risk your well being just for them, just for their point of happiness. Love is a powerful and beautiful thing yet sometimes it leaves us worried and confused, it feels like you are drowning.

This song truly speaks to me for many different reasons. I relate to the pain this song represents and how it explains the other negative side of some relationships and how it truly effects you emotionally. I was recently in a very strong passionate relationship and at the time this song was just another song to listen to and it didn’t have a meaning  to me. Towards what I did not see as the end of our relationship he had told me what one of his favorite songs to listen to was, it happened to be When The Party’s Over. At first it was just a song I would listen to, to help me fall asleep. Then, when our relationship ended it became a song I would cry and be depressed over just because of the memory of what it represented. I began to listen to the words more closely and understand the true meaning, and I thought wow this makes so much sense. No matter what I did or tried to do for my boyfriend it just wasn’t enough, but I acted like I was okay with it when really I wasn’t and that isn’t love.

Another verse I have recognized says, “Don’t you know I’m no good for you”. When you come out of a really strong meaningful relationship you start to put yourself down, making yourself believe that you aren’t enough or you don’t deserve to love that person. Though really it isn’t true. You are worth every second of love you just have to find the right person and in this song in the end it says, “Let’s just let it go. Let me let you go”. He or she finally comes to terms with what has happened and that only time can heal. I have been told that it is best to remove the negative things from your life, even if it hurts a first it is truly the best thing for you.

10 Things You Should Know About Some Teens

As a teenager I think some people don’t understand our way of life or more specifically, my way of life. We have a lot of undefined parts of our nature that many people wish to understand. This list will help some. Warning some of these may not apply to some teenagers.

  1. We are moody all the time. It isn’t just a day thing or a night thing, it is all the time. We will cry sometimes for no apparent reason. Maybe we will get mad over something stupid and unreasonable. Then there is always a possibility of having that super childish sense of humor that most people don’t enjoy. One of the worst things to do when we are moody and hungry, TAKE OUR FOOD. If you have a moody teenager on your hands and you eat or so much as touch their food, you better run for the hills.
  2. Sleep is always an essential. If a teenager says they slept for over the normal hours doesn’t mean that we still aren’t tired. We will complain all the time about sleeping yet we still stay up till 2:00 in the morning doing who knows what. Why do we continue to do this to ourselves? This question I still can not answer.
  3. There is always something going on in each teenagers life. Many teens are better at hiding their problems than others, but some are truly struggling. We love putting on a show when it comes to our feelings.
  4. We love ourselves some attention. When we are with friends we love them telling us how good you look today. It really helps get some self esteem in your system. We love being the center of attention in many different forms like the class clown, the prom King or Queen, or being the M.V.P in a sports game. All of those things are the highlight of our life for us.
  5. Making mistakes is always a part of life but I feel like we make the most mistakes when we are young, that is just a personal opinion of mine. Teenagers make many mistakes, but when it comes to these mistakes we learn new things or new lessons. Some of us don’t learn and continue to do bad things and then others learn from it and won’t ever do it again.
  6. Laughs, laughing is a gift as a teenager. Having fun and living your best young life. Being with friends and going places that you love is the highlight of our life. We will laugh over the dumbest things but that is what truly makes us, us. The stories and memory’s we share with other people about our friends and the times we share are times we truly never want to forget.
  7. We are super smart, when we want to be. Yes, we make dumb decisions and act stupid but in reality many of us are very intelligent and are capable of quiet a lot. We have bright ideas and things we wish to share with the world. We want to be heard or seen as more than just children, not adults but just enough to have an opinion and matter.
  8. Us teenagers are looking for a purpose or who we are. We are discovering our meaning in this world or what we are capable of. We are joining clubs, sports, anything that may spark our attention and entertain us.
  9. We are also learning about love and relationships. Whether it be an actual boyfriend and girlfriend (e.t.c) relationship or a friendship, we are learning what are good and bad relationships. We get our hearts broken and filled, but most importantly we learn who our true friends are and the ones who will stay and who will go.
  10. Drama, it’s something we try to stay away from, but somehow is always finds its way into our daily life. Many teenagers enjoy drama just for the entertainment, but others, like me, hate the thought of drama. This is definitely where out hormones come into play with the yelling, the crying, and of course the possible fist fights. We can break friendships, and faces, but we can also fix them. Not saying fighting will fix anything but it just might show you the mistakes you  can make.

What Truly Inspires Me?

I try not to live a boring basic life but I didn’t really have anything or anyone to introduce me to new ways of writing or creative literature. Then, I met this crazy lady who is one of my moms closest friends. Sara was very creative and kept hundreds of crazy novels from amazing poetry, biography’s, fiction, everything you could possibly imagine. When I was in Elementary school, I wrote a poem for my class. I believe it was about a certain season with some repetition in there. When I gave it to my teacher I thought nothing of it being any type of special. As I watched my teacher read it, his pupils expanded and thought it was fantastic. He then shared it with my principal. She also grew excited and asked me if I would like my poem to be in the school paper, I didn’t mind one bit. Then fast forward, in 7th grade we had a poetry unit. No one else in the class was as excited as me. I already had so many ideas rushing through my slightly creative brain. At that same time, Sara was going through her things wondering what to do with some of her books. As I was cleaning up some things I noticed a slightly larger maroon case and as I opened it I saw a pack of small books together. They weren’t like any regular books, it was a Shakespeare collection!

DSC05924-02t Suzy Hazelwood via Compfight

I was so intrigued that I squealed in excitement! Sara came over and saw what I was holding and told me its incredible value. She saw how excited I was so she told me I could keep it. Funny thing is though, I never read them I just looked at them in creative thought. The way I wright now isn’t as creative, I wright with a more straight forward modern style, but the creative from that memory still shows up in my writing from time to time.

You Gotta Have Faith!

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